Thursday, November 5, 2009

+ biO tRaNsLaTioN rNa - pRoTeiN +




at pic 1 :
- 1st codon (AUG) in mRNA (red line) pass through small and large ribosomes
- tRNA identify the present of the 1st codon
- tRNA carried Methionine (meth) and bind to P site
- mRNA also contain other codon such as (CAA), (AAU) and so on
- codon (CAA) is for other amino acid that is (val)
- tRNA carried (val) and bind to A site

at pic 2 :
- (meth) at 'X' is transfer to 'Y' and attach to the top of (val)
- 'X' change it position from P site to E site that is elimination site
- while 'Y' change it position from A site to P site
- other tRNA that carried other amino acid such as (ile) bind at A site
- other codon such as (AAU) is for (ile) bind with that tRNA

at pic 3 :
- 'Y' change it position from P site to E site
- amino acid (meth) and (val) is transfer to 'Z'
- now that 2 amino acid is at the top of (ile)
- 'Z' change it position to P site
- then, releasing factor bind at A site
- function of releasing factor is to add H2O (water) to release the amino acid

involve 3 steps (point) :

* rRNA + small ribosomes + large ribosomes (func of rRNA is to active the ribosomes to do its
* mRNA enter the 2 ribosomes

- elongation
* reach start codon (AUG)
* tRNA carried Methionine and bind to P site

- termination
* reach stop codon ( whether UAG @ UAA @ UGA )
* releasing factor bind to A site
* releasing factor add H2O to amino acid sequence

p/s : pNinG La muMmy nK waT meNde niE cHimMy... hU2... =p